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Current Board of Directors

Rebecca Barger, NP-C                      Board Member, 05.2023, Program Committee, Nurse Practitioner, Integrated Roots 

Sanjay Bhatia, MD                            Treasurer, 05.2023, Finance Committee, Internal Medicine, Union Hospital

Karen Cunningham, PT                   Board 1st Vice-Chair, Chair- LEAF Team,  Retired Physical Therapist, Independence Rehabilitation                            

Lisa Gibson                                         Board Member, 12.2014, Chair - Events Committee,  Community Leader      


Chloee Hurst, RDN, LD                    Board Member, 05.2023, Program Committee,  Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist, Integrated Roots                                            

Abbie Jones, PhD                               Board Member, 05.2023, Program Committee, Psychologist, Mindful Growth

Jean Kristeller, PhD                          Board 2nd Chair, Professor Emeritus, Indiana State University                        


Jamie Lee, MA                                    Board Member, 11.2016- Program Committee, Professor at Indiana State University

Lindsey Skelton, BA                          Board Member, 05.2021, Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist, Next Step Licensed Addiction Counselor


Carrie Smith, BS                                Board Member, 03.2022, Community Business Leader - Real Estate Agent Gibson Real Estate


Kathleen Stienstra, MD                   Board Chair, Chair-Executive Committee,  Physician, The Maple Center, Union Hospital                       


Deanna Ferguson, BS, Ex-Officio  Executive Director, The Maple Center, 07.2013                   



Updated: 01.24.24

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